LOGOS Agreements in Progress

Phased implementation of 2023 - 2027 Academy-wide agreements

This process page provides an overview for the level of the Study Department, study programs, Academy concerning the different steps in the implementation of the LOGOS agreements. As a learning organisation, we will gradually develop the implementation together, providing targeted support and intervision, among other things.

Study programs organize reflection within the 2023-2027 time-frame. Students’ questionnaires and teachers’ Self-evaluations facilitates optimal quality assurance planning.

Study Department level

Report on intervision August 8, 2024

On August 8, 2024, an intervision took place in which each Study Department and Stud program directors reflected on support material and tested afterwards for the pillar of educational quality, quality culture and educational policy. It turned out to be an informative day with captivating discussions. During round-table discussion, insight were shared on the topics:

  1. Quality assurance planning
  2. Student participation in Quality Assurance processes

Study Department organizing development teams

The idea of “Development team” was set up. In this team the participating from Study Department, study programs and employers on the reflection in co-coperation. The development team have already developed inspiring support materials and good practices, which they also shared during the 8 August intervision.

A final meeting of the development teams will follow in October, 2025.

Before the start of next academic year, we will look back on quality process together, share optimised material and reflect on the approach for the new academic year.

Experimentation and co-creation concerning the agreements on the Study Department ansd study program levels

The request of a reflection about the pursued educational policy and the quality culture functioning in addition to a reflection about the educational quality. The three reflections must be held at least once in the four-year time window by the Study Department and study programs.

Due to the incremental approach, the agreements will gradually become more concrete in co-creation.

Through the participation of both Study Department and study programs in the development teams, alignment between the two levels is also part of the experiment. The efficient sharing of documents in function of this alignment and in function of transparency will also be explored.

Study Department reports will be used to make a statement at the Academy level about the quality of education at ECA.

Academy level

Implementation at the Academy level in stages

Following approval of the agreements at the Academic Senate on 20 March 2024, a project team will consider the further approach at Academy level. More information will be available soon.