Characteristics of Quality

The Program Action Plan is made to follow up concrete actions with regard to quality characteristics.

All ECA’s bodies are responsible for the quality of education. A high-quality programs must comply with eight quality characteristics. These characteristics are rooted in the normative regulations on quality assurance system at ECA and are in line with the European reference framework concerning quality assurance in higher education (ESG, 2015).

The 8 quality characteristics are the following:

  • The program learning outcomes are a clear and program-specific interpretation of ESG for its level, content and orientation,
  • The program’s curriculum is aligned with the most recent developments in the academic field as well as the classical values found in the Judeo-Orthodox Christian anthropology research; takes in notice the developments in the professional field that has social relevance in compliance with European Social Agenda;
  • The teaching staff assigned to the program provides maximum possibilities for students to achieve the prescribed learning outcomes;
  • The program offers adequate and easily accessible services and study counselling if needed;
  • The teaching and learning environment encourages an active role in the learning process and contributes to a persistent study progress;
  • The students’ assessment reflects the learning process and describes the acquisition of the intended learning outcomes more specifically;
  • The program provides complete and easily readable information on all stages of the student career (“Landmark Route”);
  • Information on the quality of the programme is publicly available.

Link with the Latvian quality assurance system

The quality characteristics is a core element in the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). An external accreditation evaluates if ECA safeguards the educational quality on adequate level. During all previous evaluations ECA was able to prove that its programs comply with the above mentioned 8 characteristics.