Critical Evaluation of the Study and Research work

ECA is applied research and internationally oriented Academy with strong knowledge and social engagement with European Social Agenda. This approach shapes educational policy. ECA “Mission and Values Statement” serves as a source of inspiration for implemented policy while the Academy’s “Plan for Strategic Development and Quality Assurance 2023-2027” provides direction. ECA organizational structure also determines how educational policy is shaped. In the following page critical analysis of the General Strategic Policy and the Educational Policy is presented.
Main strategic steps
Academy’s policy planning is done regularly for each functional domain (educational and student policy, research, internationalization, employment, applied research). In 2019 an integrated and integrated plan with 5 steps was approved for the first time (see: Plan “Risk society vs Sustainable Development Goals”). The plan is made with focus on long term; on future orientation of research and learning; with intertwining of institutional strategy with internationalization, sustainability interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity.
The focus lies on:
Regular monitoring of the results and risks.
It is done also by monitoring of development of the teachers’ and students’ performance indicators, by developing blended education and doing research on a scope does is needed.
Each study has its own identity, which is rooted in the practices of its respective discipline(s). Consequently, the development of study program has its particular dynamic. The priorities of Academy and study programs are becoming more closely aligned, however, there is still room for improvement.
Developing Learning Labs.
Academy’s Study Department as Learning Lab and regular meetings between Rector and Study program directors help to realize perceptible progress quickly. The reason issue developed by the Learning Lab is the Concept of “Landmark Route”. Introduction of the "Landmark Route” is the result of innovative approach to motive students to pass all courses of the first program stage as quickly as possible. The goal is to provide the learning path to follow plan of the Study Department to take courses and examinations at the planned time. Sometimes students retake courses from the first year in later years. When students reach the first Landmark of the first program stage, they are more free for the second and the 3rd "Landmark" which is bachelor diploma and master diploma.
Learning and teaching policy.
With studies and teaching policy we bring ECA’s Mission and Value Statement and strategy as close as possible to teachers, professors and staff, and connect it to practical everyday work. Academy’s portal LOGOS is regularly is developed and based on practice. “The Development of Quality: Guiding Rules for Education and Examinations” is based on policy priorities in concrete didactic and pedagogical instruments and tools, developing everyday’s educational practice and integrated in different projects and accomplishments.
Complimentary ECA “Concept on Education and Learning as Personal Growth” is taken in notice at the same time. The “Strategic Development Plan and Its Quality 2023-2027” is added to this Concept. Moreover, the “Updated Quality Policy Plan of Education and Learning” is regularly assessed and adjusted. The regular work for fulfilment of the objectives of the mentioned plans elaborate possibility how quality policy moves into implementation of it, but monitoring is carried out regularly and summarizes different views and reflections. By them we gather more information for further development in the study year.
From where we get ideas for strategy for our policy?
First is the connection to European Standards and Guidelines for Higher Education. Second, connection to local contexts and other universities understanding the role of need for unique study programs and uniqueness of disciplines that allows interesting and innovative dialogue with all actors involved. We try to realize our plans at the study program level in an asynchronous way. We consult the ECA International Support Council and Council of the Study Direction and Council of the Study Program. When we all agree on the vision then it is accepted and we understand our vision never as static. Static is only classical values and priorities, timing and responsibilities.
Program Council regularly works on updated program plans. When the quality culture is logical and self-understandable for every teacher, program action plans are discussed and updated regularly.
The program action plan is currently used as a guideline for the program development.
The coordination of the bodies of Senate, Study Department and program-specific vision and policy plans in a cyclical, but asynchronous approach constitutes both an added value and a challenge.
In coming years we need to develop supporting system as a next step. We will organize discussions about the policy plans and practical effects of our vision on teaching and learning in the labor market.
In this process, the special role is for alumni associations, DrHC Representative Experts, Representatives of Employers.
How we are sure that our yearly assessment of “Updated Quality Policy Plan of Education and Learning” really works?
We have several phases for planning work of our quality policy:
- Identification phase where we clearly identify ideas to be developed and are embedded in the document,
- Preparation phase which relates to broader strategic plan,
- The translation of our plans into concrete action to be presented to and approved by the Senate. It needs approvement of the Senate.
- The document is expanded to all bodies of the Senate, Study Departments, council of study directions, study programs and in LOGOS cycles.
- In the LOGOS cycle “Quality Monitoring Plan” shows inputs in order to determine focus priorities. Study Department works together with Senate bodies and external networks for actions to be implemented. The Study Department is able to prioritize for every study year the priorities and main points to be reached.
How we implement our quality policy?
We base it on:
- Annually “Updated Quality Policy Plan of Education and Learning”.
- Concrete actions,
- Strategic goals are not changing, but priorities for next steps and actions are based on “Quality Monitoring Plan”. The use of educational innovation resources makes it possible to respond to new developments and needs. It became clear during the COVID-19 pandemic that this makes us flexible.
- Flexibility is a distinct strength of the ECA approach to studies.
In coming years we want to better support policy makers such as programme directors.
Quality Monitoring Plan describe crucial aspects for our educational policy. The Academy understands that quality culture depends on many indicators (e.g., regular Senate meetings, qualitative and quantitative evaluations and their interpretations by independent sociologist from Latvian University, study quality surveys etc.).
LOGOS constitute an important part of policy monitoring and check of the results. A number of strategic goals can be monitored with this. Other goals, however, are more difficult to assess, especially since there is often complex interference from variety of diverse factors. For example, to strengthen the concept of active learning we have to find good indicators. In coming years an introduction of an improved system should be found.