Agreed concepts on the Study Department level

Study Department Policy Plan

At the start of each new term the Study Department together with Senate bodies prepares Policy Plan which includes strategic goals related to the content and organization of education. The Plan aligns with Academy’s vision of General strategy and policy while takes in notice various contextual factors. It often incorporates other elements such as staff policies, research goals and art exhibition goals.

With mutually agreed and focused concept the Study Department Plan is created.

Study Department Action Plan for Education

In the Action Plan for Education strategic goals are described and translated into concrete administrative and teaching actions. These actions are clearly defined in terms of scope of times, achievable results and concrete responsibilities. The Plan points to outlined specific priorities.

Study Department: Transparency and Coordination

Within the Vision of Quality Culture we adopt an approach what refers to everyone to be engaged in quality development through horizontal and vertical cooperation and networking.

The information under LOGOS as integral quality assurance method is made available to the study program directors and everyone who is involved in teaching and learning at the end of the semester to be involved in the reflection about quality.

If a problem, risk or any other factor that requires action appears and the Study Department cannot adequately assure the quality of education due to the lack of appropriate authority, it should immediately be reported to the Senate level.